The Orchid Pod
Just geeking out about orchids
15 episodes
World Slipper Orchid Conference
Caleb and James review some of the incredible plants and people from the World Slipper Orchid Conference in Hilo, Hawai'i, followed by listener submitted questions. Thanks for listening to The Orchid Pod. Send us an email at theorch...
Episode 16

Interview with Peter Wiggin
Caleb and James interview Peter Wiggin, evolutionary biologist, botanist, orchidophile, plant nerd, and an AOS accredited orchid judge. After a lively discussion, Caleb and James dive into the mailbox with Pete for some listener submitted comme...
Episode 15

Interview with Tom Mirenda
Caleb and James interview Tom Mirenda, an AOS accredited orchid judge, conservationist, botanist, and lover of living things. You can reach Tom at biophiliak@gmail.com.Send us an email at theorchidpod@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail/t...
Episode 14

Mini Catts & Deflasking
Caleb and James talk breeding mini-cattleyas, after which they discuss deflasking orchid seedlings. Send us an email at theorchidpod@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail/text at +1-6768 -ORCHID (+1-678-667-2443 - Standard rates apply)
Episode 12

Hilo Orchid Show 2024
Caleb and James recap Hawaii's largest orchid show from inside the judges booth. Awards, rarities, and more from the 70th Annual Hilo Orchid Society Show.
Episode 11

Multifloral Paphs
Caleb shares his experiences growing multifloral Paphs (Paphiopedilums) and we chat about some of the breeding and history of the groupSend us an email at theorchidpod@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail/text at +1-6768 -ORCHID (+1-678-66...
Episode 10

Our favorite FCC's from 2023
We go over our favorite First Class Certificate (FCC) awards given by the American Orchid Society (AOS) judges in 2023Send us an email at theorchidpod@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail/text at +1-6768 -ORCHID (+1-678-667-2443 - Standard...
Episode 9

World Orchid Conference 2024
James gives an overview of his time at the 23rd World Orchid Conference in TaiwanSend us an email at theorchidpod@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail/text at +1-6768 -ORCHID (+1-678-667-2443 - Standard rates apply)
Episode 8

Tokyo Dome 2024
Caleb shares what he got to see at the Tokyo Dome show in JapanSend us an email at theorchidpod@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail/text at +1-6768 -ORCHID (+1-678-667-2443 - Standard rates apply)
Episode 7

Invasive Orchids
We go over some of the orchids which have been classified as 'invasive', particularly in HawaiʻiThe main article about invasive orchids discussed:https://go.hawaii.edu/oV2Send us an email at theorchidpod@gmail.com or leave u...
Episode 6

James' First Orchid - Ocdsa. Sweet Sugar 'Angel'
James talks about the first orchid he ever grew: Oncidesa Sweet Sugar 'Angel'Send us an email at theorchidpod@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail/text at +1-6768 -ORCHID (+1-678-667-2443 - Standard rates apply)
Episode 5

Our favorite FCC's from 2022
We go over our favorite First Class Certificate (FCC) awards given by the American Orchid Society (AOS) judges in 2022Send us an email at theorchidpod@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail/text at +1-6768 -ORCHID (+1-678-667-2443 - Standard...
Episode 2

Caleb's First Orchid - Angraecum eburneum
Caleb shares the story of the first orchid he grew: Angraecum eburneumSend us an email at theorchidpod@gmail.com or leave us a voicemail/text at +1-6768 -ORCHID (+1-678-667-2443 - Standard rates apply)
Episode 4